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Sis, I need you to take a moment to do 1 thing:

Look through some old pics of you. Start at your engagement photos and coast through looking at pictures up until now.

How do you look? What facial expressions are you making? Are you happy? Are you covering around others? Do you remember what you felt like on each pic day? Do you remember how he treated you on that day?

We sometimes block things out and don’t realize that we have to allow our power of discernment to always guide us through. Otherwise, he WILL mess with your mind and have you staying day after day, year after year, hit after hit, in misery.
Romans 12:2 (ESV) says “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” So, by testing, and questioning spirits, thought processes, etc. we become more discerning. Discerning literally means distinguish (someone or something) with difficulty by sight or with the other senses (Oxford dictionary).

Tap into your power of discernment and see your abuser’s patterns. What chain of events happen that lead up to their wrath? What bodily expressions do they make? What are they eating? What is their face doing?
If it comes out of nowhere, find a delicate way to find out what happened outside the house to trigger that wrath-filled behavior. In the act of violence, you likely won’t get a response. BUT, you’ve mastered living in this environment, so find a way, a time to research and discover what you need to so that you can bypass this behavior in the future.

Always remember, we have to keep you safe, AND ALIVE, so that the children can live and thrive too. Innocent lives don’t deserve to see their parents get hit or be the hitter. So, do your research, visit me here Visit us here https://linktr.ee/noirexc, and I’ll see you on the next live. Check YouTube.

Until next time…Hugs, Mia!
