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I’ve had an interesting journey to get here today to even be able to share my journey with you. I’ve had secular counseling and I’ve had counseling in a church to deal with trauma from molestation, verbal abuse, rape, and sexual assault.
The ironic part is, I got ALL OF THAT RESOLVED before getting married, only to marry a narcissist. Insert forehead slap here.

Well…let’s go back and dive a bit into what happened with me.

I grew up in a household where my parents provided me a life better than what they had growing up. The things that squashed my growth was being called names, being belittled, and being made to feel like something was wrong with me. You know what, this affected me so that I told a girlfriend ‘I just want to get to the bus station and leave…can you take me?’ She declined – then asked ‘Where would you go?’ I didn’t know then, and can only guess a handful of places today.

That was 3 decades ago. I lived with a kind, patient, father and a hollering, yelling, screaming, short-tempered mother. It was a challenge to deal with her because she wasn’t always those things. There were times she’d give her last bit of food or bed linens to the needy. Or she’d take me shopping for new outfits; enrolled me into classical dance and theater; exposed me to people/places/and events that most young Black kids in the south wouldn’t have been privy to.

But, boy, when that wrath came out, it left a LASTING impression…unfortunately.

Fast forward, in the present day of 2023, not much has changed except for her alcohol consumption has worsened. These leads to LOTS of unnecessary phone text conversations that I’ve grown today to simply ignore. I’m not getting into all of that arguing back and forth via text message – in person – or otherwise.
I’ve made it my mission to be the adult 42yo when the adult 77yo chooses to still lash out.


We’ll dive deeper into some of those other traumatic events in upcoming posts.

Have you ever dealt with a family member that consistently drains your ever-living-energy?

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Until next time…big HUGS!
